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Downtime 99.9%
Mental health is often overlooked though we are all aware of its rigours. The CHMA’s Mental Health Week reminds us of an often neglected and overlooked aspect of tech workers who rely primarily on their mental agility to thrive. Depression, anxiety and stress are such commonly used terms but still the stigma of suffering from a mental illness causes most to remain quiet, living in a prison of torment within themselves and still trying to function at their peak. Team empathy and healthy relationship development among our peers are factors that directly affect our mind state and thus mental health.
Zone Isolation with Terraform Cloud
Leverage agents and agent pools with Terraform Cloud to deploy resources to zones of varying trust. Agents allow Terraform Cloud to communicate with isolated, private, or on-premise infrastructure; by deploying lightweight agents within a specific network segment, you can establish a simple connection between your environment and Terraform Cloud.
The agent architecture is pull-based, so no inbound connectivity is required. Any agent you provision will poll Terraform Cloud for work and carry out the execution of that work locally. Agents must be able to make outbound requests over HTTPS (TCP port 443) to the Terraform Cloud application APIs.
This allows for provisioning operations and management, useful for on-premise infrastructure types such as vSphere, Nutanix, OpenStack, enterprise networking providers, and anything you might have in a protected enclave.
Inner Source Culture
So we are familiar with Free and Open Source, but what is Inner Source and should I care? Yes you should - and not just because we say so. Working effectively in distributed teams across geographical boundaries and time zones while breaking down knowledge silos is challenging (to be polite). Inner Source is the sharing of knowledge, skills and code within an organization using Open Source collaboration techniques.
Useful Reading
Kubernetes Observability With Service Mesh https://www.cncf.io/blog/2021/02/05/kubernetes-observability-with-a-service-mesh/
Learn how to get “golden metrics” (or “golden signals”) from the applications running on your Kubernetes cluster.
AWS Cheat Sheet For Certification Exams
Get a birds eye view of AWS Services you need to knowDivio: The Documentation System
This system is a way to make your documentation better, not by working harder at it, but by doing it the right way. The right way is the easier way - easier to write, and easier to maintain.
Fun Stuff
AWS Infographics with humour.
Kiali is an exciting new management console for Istio-based service mesh.
Tekton is a powerful and flexible open-source framework for creating CI/CD systems.